The OECD Once More on Telecommunications in Mexico: A Proud Accomplice in Reforms Whose Success Is Far from Sure
Purchase a reprint version of the Article (Amazon) | Read the Article (PDF) | Download the Article (PDF) Download the Article (PDF)According to the OECD Review on Telecommunication and Broadcasting in Mexico 2017, the performance of the industry since the reforms of 2013 and 2014 has been remarkable and demonstrates what can be achieved with evidence-based policy making. In my view, the review rather demonstrates what can be achieved by manipulating the evidence at will. It attributes to the reforms achievements that were well underway long before and closes its eyes to the many difficulties faced during their implementation. It is simply too early to arrive at an evaluation of reforms whose effects cannot be expected overnight. The review is a good example of selling the skin before shooting the bear. By applauding the reforms the way the review does, the OECD lost the opportunity to keep albeit a bit of distance.

Cite as
Adriaan ten Kate, Sr., The OECD Once More on Telecommunications in Mexico: A Proud Accomplice in Reforms Whose Success Is Far from Sure, 3 Criterion J. on Innovation 155 (2018).